Plastic has a devastating impact on the life of the seas and the species that populate it. According to the latest WWF report "Let's stop plastic pollution: how Mediterranean countries can save their sea", plastic pollution has reached alarming levels, so much so that we can talk about a real global crisis.
Plastic, the risks for the marine ecosystem
Plastic Free TermoliEvery year about 8 million tons of plastic end up in our seas and oceans, which inexorably undermines the health and life of the marine ecosystem. What is consumed in the seas, can be considered in all respects an extermination: just think that 90% of the fish we fish have plastic residues in the bowels. Over 270 marine species are considered at risk, because they are particularly prone to being trapped in plastic waste, such as the now notorious abandoned fishing nets. Among the most affected animals are turtles, which swap plastic bags for jellyfish and swallow them go to certain death.
It is estimated that unless serious action is taken on this age-old problem, by 2050 99% of fish will have plastic inside. And, going up the food chain, the same can be said of men.
Is a world without plastic possible?
Plastic Free Termoli In the era of mass consumption, where everything must be consumed here and now, thinking about a world without plastic may seem impossible. Wherever it is placed, our gaze always comes across objects produced with this material. In the 1950s, those of the economic boom, plastic seemed to represent the future: economic and resistant, the myriad of uses that could be made of it were immediately visible. It was thus produced on a large scale and since then the multinationals continue to produce and sell disposable plastic, despite the fact that 90% of the existing plastic has never been recycled.
The problem of plastic invasion is very complex, primarily because it is a non-biodegradable material and then because recycling practices make water from all the pores. It is clear that a commitment in educating the world population to a radical change in purchasing habits will be crucial (for example by reducing the purchase of disposable goods as much as possible). How important it will be to take steps forward with regards to separate collection and recycling techniques A few steps have been taken and research is starting to experiment with "eat plastic" molecules, as well as electronic devices capable of sweeping our seabed.
Plastic free beaches, clear indications from Europe
Plastic Free Termoli An initiative that goes in the right direction is certainly the one strongly desired by the European Union. While entire areas of the planet with high urbanization rates, such as China and India, still seem uninterested in this threat to the ecosystem, once again Europe is setting a good example. The objectives set by the latest European directives on circular economy in general and plastic reduction in particular are important, but each State and each Region will have to play their part. In Molise, the use of disposable plastic on the beaches has finally been banned: no more plates, glasses, cutlery, plastic straws on the entire coast.
The Lido Mistral beach club is proud of the initiative and has made itself ready, because we were already determined to carry out this awareness-raising work, regardless of the regulatory provisions. From now on, sipping a cocktail by the sea will no longer harm our fish, our seabed, our children. Let's all help: let's save our sea.